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(Er is een Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar over Hans van den Tillaart.)

He is a Dutch painter and video artist.

Hans van den Tillaart was born in 1964 in Best, The Netherlands. Now he lives and works in Tilburg. 

He went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht. Worked about twenty years as an independent illustrator for several newspapers and magazines. After a burnout he decided to work less rational and he starts painting. A long cherished creative expression he didn’t get around to: autonomous painting. At first he kept his known trusted illustration style and creates figurative paintings. But he renewed, set himself free and truly developed by going entire abstract. Insprired by the fact that in daily life he’s afraid to give up control, he does on purpose the opposite and releases all control while he’s painting. He focuses on the act of painting itself. Is not concerned with a composition and figurative elements. That would only confine him and inhibit. The subject of his paintings is always the paint. He uses a lot of paint on each layer on the canvas and lets the paint find its own way. What happens next is not conceived, it is coincidence. It never goes wrong. There is no wrong. The imperfect makes it perfectly unique and gives it originality. The paintthe resulting color mixing, the texture of the paint and the light always surprises the Dutch artist. The result of this are his abstract expressionist paintings. In essence all abstract self portraits. Drip paintings but totally different than the famous "drippings" of Jackson Pollock. This is the story behind the drippings made by Hans van den Tillaart. These drippings are the result of his original wish: get the courage to let go of control. The feeling of having no control is unambiguously, evokes resignation or resistance. He emphasizes that with his video art. An art expression that results from his paintings. He makes moving images of his static paintings. He wants to show the painting in all its details, to give a feeling, but you forget that it’s a painting. Ceci n’est pas une painting. It is an alienating short film in slow motion. Let yourself be moved by his abstract world. What is soothing and liberating for one can be claustrophobic for the other. 


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For any questions you may have about Hans van den Tillaart, his work, for making an appointment to see the paintings in his studio, acquiring a painting or if you only want to know the price of a painting, please send an email.

Photography: Ton Toemen, Hans van den Tillaart

Video art: Hans van den Tillaart

Website: pixelXp